Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Her Favorite Spot

Unfortunately my girls prefer the furniture to the floor when it comes to r&r. Sable has her favorite chair and Lucy prefers the sofa for stretching out. I know. I know. It's no ones fault but my own. But they were so cute as puppies trying to get on the furniture. How did I know they would one day weigh 80 pounds.


Lucy serves her gender well by laying around and watching me trim trees and shrubs. I think she is most happy when she sees me sweat in or out of the house. I know one thing from looking at this picture:this big hair ball is going to the groomers.

I Smell A Squirrel

Friday, February 19, 2010

Mealtime Monitor

This year my girls will be 7 years old and I still maintain a watchful eye when it comes to mealtime.
Lucy likes to chew the food and look up at her master every once in a while. Sable, on the other hand, is more like a vacuum. She never looks up or stops till all the food is gone.

And that includes Lucy's food as well. So I keep watch and try to keep Sable at bay so that Lucy eventually gets to eat all her food.

Monday, February 8, 2010

A Cold Day At Millie Bush Bark Park

I left with my girls before sunrise yesterday thinking that it was suppose to be sunny in the morning. Ahhh but once again the weatherman was not correct. As a result, it was a cold, windy, and damp, day at the dog park. We didn't stay long. I think about 45 minutes was all I could endure. Lucy and Sable were energetic as always in the cold but I was somewhat under dressed for the wind and there's no place to take refuge. It's just wide open space and the trees are much smaller than me. This park is not quite as muddy as the one here in Sugar Land. At least Millie Bush has adequate paths for dog owners to walk around the park.
Sable loves snorting up that cold air.
Lucy made me cold with that wet hair. They must have had a good workout for they were rather quiet for the rest of the day.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Cabin Fever:Will The Rain Ever Stop?

Me and my girls are getting tired of this latest stretch of rain and cold. But the heat of Gulf Coast living will soon be upon us so we all better enjoy the cooler temps while we can.

Daddy:Please Turn The Heat On