Saturday, September 25, 2010

More Anti Socializing At The Park

I'd make a terrible parent. I know that because I'm such a neurotic pet owner. It bothers me how my Lucy is content in her own world and makes no effort to sniff other dogs. It's as if they don't exist unless they get close to me then she shows her dark side.
It was nice to finally have a morning with low humidity and as a result there were several dogs at the park.

This boxer? mastiff? kept coming up to me and standing. I'd pet him and he seemed in his own world but then the owner yelled across the pond that he was deaf and blind in one eye. Lucy didn't seem to mind this fella getting close and my attention. I've noticed that white dogs get her attention much more than others.

I'm afraid Lucy rubs off on Sable so they stick together watching others at play. I wish Lucy was more affectionate towards Sable too, but no such luck there. I guess they are company for each other while I'm gone 11 plus hours a day? I wonder.

They just enjoy the water and chasing balls so I should be happy about that. They're not puppies anymore.


How Sam Sees It said...

It sounds like you have the same thing we have with Sam and Monty. Sam is so indifferent to other dogs - he tends to get beat up because of it. He and Monty just tolerate each other. We wish they would play a little more, but it doesn't seem to be happening.


Emma Rose said...

How nice to have a park with water to swim in! I would love that.

Emma Rose