Monday, January 23, 2012

Twilight At Pawm Springs

I made myself take the girls and Joe to the dog park Sunday morning. I had planned on taking them to Millie Bush Bark Park but decided on the much closer Pawm Springs Memorial Park here in Sugar Land. Hey. The kids don't know the difference. Well, actually I think they do. The ponds are much larger at Millie Bush and have a more gentle decline into the water.
We got there so early I didn't realize the skies were so ominous but it never rained on us. There were already dogs there when we arrived.
Lucy is much happier than she looks. Despite being so windy with the warm temps we've been having it was quite pleasant.
Sable was out running Lucy as it has been the last year or so. Lucy's arthritis is taking a noticeable toll on her but you'd never know it for she still seems so happy.
There was a variety of dogs at the park and, as always, Joe was never around us which suits the girls fine. Lucy is always attracted to white dogs for some reason.
It was a quiet Sunday for my girls. Lucy and Sable were recovering from all the exercise and even Joe was so tired he didn't pick on the girls once or run outside barking. We have got to get to the park more often.


Kootenai's Summit Post said...

sounds so fun. ! I bet you were tired on Sunday

Alison said...

I love the picture of Lucy taking a relaxing swim.

Ur-spo said...

I wish my dog liked the water like your pooches.