Saturday, February 18, 2012

Woe Is Me

Be careful what you wish for. After the severe drought last year we started getting rains in December and seem to have had rain at least twice a week so far this year. My steam mop has run out of steam and my Hoover Floormate no longer sucks up the nasty sludge it creates. So much for having a pet door. The back hall, wash room and kitchen are constantly in a mess. I think I prefer the dust than mud. I know. I shouldn't complain. Dry months are ahead I'm sure.
Lucy surveys the wetness of it all.
Joe attempts to stay out of the water when the rain finally lets up.


Howard in CT said...

I keep an eye on Texas weather, beause my sis-in-law lives on the Gulf coast. You are really getting soaked. Guess the word is "everything in moderation" would be nice.
Lucy looks very fresh in her new summer coat.

How Sam Sees It said...

We feel the same - we could use it, but don't like the mess!


Alison said...

Oh my! Maybe you could put down a big rug? Zoe hasn't been a happy camper with all this rain we've been getting, as it means less trips to the dog park.

Rick said...

I've tried regular throw rugs and they drag them outside. Then back inside and commence to mop the floor with them.BOL I used heavy carpet pieces for awhile but I'd have to throw them away after a short time because they'd get so dirty. Like I said, "Woe is me".