Monday, June 25, 2012

Please! No Tongue In Publc Joe

 I took Joe to the dog park late yesterday to get his run on.  Instead, he seemed to be in more of a social mood.  Maybe he was just glad to get away from his mean ole step sisters, Lucy and Sable?  At any rate, he got plenty of exercise and was snoring by 10:00 PM.
I took my father along as well.  I put him in the wheelchair so that we could move about the park more easily.  Then I let him push the chair back to the truck.  It was still quite warm at sunset and it didn't take long for the mosquitoes to come out.  Especially, since there was not a breeze to be felt.  My father will be 97 this week.  I can not imagine.  He was just a few years younger than I am now when I was born.  I can not imagine.
Have a good week.

1 comment:

Howard in CT said...

A very Happy Birthday to your Dad! We should live so long, right?