Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Presidential Dog Bo

Bo supervises the arrival of a Christmas tree.

Bo is represented in many treats like these cookies.

Bo is part of the holiday decor throughout the White House. This Bo is out of buttons. Find the heart button.

Must be the real Bo since I see a leash. Or is it a trick?

Bo of trash bags.

Real Bo?

Bo of licorice and marshmallows.


Ur-spo said...

I hadn't see the dog until now. Thanks for showing me.

Gaby said...

What an adorable dog!! Imam sad to say that my dog died last week, and his best friend has been depressed and it's been pretty hard, but I am getting a new puppy and he looks just like Bo! Except smaller, and not as... Well magnificent but I am really excited :)

Stan said...

The Republicans are even attacking Obama for taking Bo shopping. Enough is enough!

Howard in CT said...

Let's hope Bo gets to spend 4 more years in Washington.