Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Hangin' Around The Wrong Crowd

My poor Sable, no one has an appetite quite like hers so she's probably the happiest when Joe comes for a visit. He can reach things standing at 5 feet on his hind legs that my girls just can't. During my father's stay, she feasted on a new bag of Earth Grains Health Nut, a package of hamburger buns, a bag of potato chips, a box of Arm & Hammer baking soda, and a package of halls cough drops, all this in the first couple of days before I learned my lesson. Or so I thought until my brother brought some lunch over sealed in Ziploc bags. I sat them on the bar as I walked my brother back to the front door. I came back in and noticed no dogs? Ahh, I thought the excitement of company didn't last long. Then I looked outside to see them licking up the final crumbs of what my brother had brought.
Yeah I'd kiss him too Sable. He's been feeding you good.

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