Monday, October 12, 2009

A Lonely Day At Millie Bush Bark Park

There was on two other masters at the park yesterday when me and the girls arrived. I was really surprised. We usually go at day break because of the heat but I was dragging and we had cooler temperatures over the weekend. As a result, we went mid day but I didn't realize it had been raining in the area. It was dry when we left home 15 miles to the south.
So through the occasional light rain my girls still ripped and played. They are by themselves so much through the week it makes no difference to them whether they have any playmates or not at the park.

My poor Sable is limping today as a result of all the running and playing. She is 6 years old next month and over weight like her master. I hope hip surgery is not in her future. She's usually back to normal in a couple of days. That's what happens to weekend warriors.

My Lucy is 6 and a half years of age was not affected by all the activity of one day. And indifferent that there was no abundance of playmates. She can be ugly sometimes when others walk up to us. She is soooooo protective of me and Sable. Yet, I know people do not like that dominant behavior.


Paco,Milo, Maya and mommy Simona said...

Hey girls!!!!
What a great day you had!!!
We love running in the rain and playing when there aren't other dogs or people who can disturb us!!!!
Poor Sable....we're soooo sorry about your limping...Please have a good rest and take care of you!!!!
We know your dad and your sis will give you tons of cuddles and attentions!!!!
And Milo is like Lucy...he's very very very protective of me and he don't like too much when other dogs are close to me!!!!
But We think we could be a great group if we could meet!!!
HAve a great day and pleaseeeeee...if you can....let us know about Sable soon!!!
Paws crossed!!!
Tons of love and kisses

Geoff said...

Your babies are beautiful!